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How to share the project by link

Sharing the project

Each project by default is in private mode which means that only owner of the project has access to view the project online and download it via Metashape desktop application.

When share by link option is activated, each person who has the link is able to view the project online without need to sign in to Agisoft Cloud.

To share the project by link:

  1. Click on the Share button on the project visualization page or select Share option in the project's menu on Drive page. 
  2. In the Share pop-up turn on By link option, copy the link and send it to the recipient.
  3. To block the access by link, turn of By link option and close the pop-up.

Link to the project always stays the same so after blocking the access by link and turning it on again, everyone who previously had the link will be able to access to the project.

Configuring initial view

When sharing a project by link on the project view page, the current view is stored in the URL parameters. The link is formatted as:{projectId}?position=longitude,latitude,height&orientation=heading,pitch,roll

Position Parameters:

  • position=longitude, latitude, height

These control the position of the camera.

Orientation Parameters:
  • orientation=heading, pitch, roll

These control the orientation of the view. 

Resulting link might look like this:,59.130086,92.325875&orientation=87.197,-4.661,0

How to invite people to the project

When share with invited people option is activated, invited users having an account on Agisoft Cloud will have access to view the project visualization in web interface and download its copy via Metashape desktop application. 


If someone having an account on Agisoft Cloud is invited to the project he/she will be notified via email and granted the access to view the project visualization in web interface and download its copy via Metashape desktop application. Shared projects will appear on the Share with me page of the invited user for easy access.


If someone not having an account on Agisoft Cloud is invited to the project he/she will be invited to create an account on Agisoft Cloud via email. After creating an account on Agisoft Cloud, a shared project will appear on the  invited user's personal Share with me page for easy access and the user will be able to view the project visualization in web interface and download its copy via Metashape desktop application.

To invite people to the project:

  1. Click on theShare button on the project visualization page or select Share option in the project's menu on Drive page.
  2. In the Share pop-up enter the email of the person you want to invite and click the Invite button. 

To remove the access to the project: 

  1. Click on theShare button on the project visualization page or select Share option in the project's menu on Drive page.
  2. In the Share pop-up click on the Invited People header to expand the list of invited people. Click on the Delete button represented as a cross icon right to the invited user email and close the pop-up.

How to embed project into web page

Embed code is a piece of an HTML code containing link to the project visualization and number of pre-configured parameters like frame size, embedding mode, autoplay and project's name appearance flags.

This code may be used to embed the project visualization into your personal or corporate web-site or any other web-resource supporting this feature.

Embedded project will appear with respect to the default point of view, workspace and scene settings, configured in web-viewer. Later changes of those parameters change the way embedded project appears.

To embed the project visualization into desired website:

  1. Select Embed option in the project menu on Drive page or in the top right corner of the project's visualization page.
  2. Configure the size, autoplay and appearance  settings.
  3. Copy the iFrame code
  4. Embed the code into the desired website.
  5. To block the access to embedded project, turn of Code access option and close the pop-up.

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