- OS version,
- installed GPU models,
- GPU driver version.
GPU utilization should be observed during the following main workflow steps:
- image matching (first part of Align Photos operation),
- depth maps generation (first part of Build Point Cloud stage),
- some sub-steps of depth maps based mesh, tiled model and DEM generation,
- texture blending (second part of Build Texture stage),
- photoconsistent mesh refinement operation.
Also GPU is used for the OpenGL rendering in the Model view.
You may experience the following error messages, below you will also find our recommendations for troubleshooting the problem:
Error: create_cu_texture_code: unknown error (30)
Try to create the following tweak via Advanced Preferences tab of Metashape window, set its value to False and then re-start Metashape to check, if the same processing operation can be completed:
Try re-installing the GPU driver using clean install option. The latest compatible driver should be downloaded from NVIDIA web-site: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx
If you have main/gpu_enable_cuda tweak value set to False, please try to switch it to True value and check, if it helps.
Error: ciErrNum: CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES (-5)
Try re-installing the GPU driver using clean install option.
cudaGetDeviceCount failed: unknown error (30)
Can't select tile size