Agisoft Metashape supports simple anaglyph display mode (for red&blue glasses) as well as hardware stereo mode that assumes polarization glasses and professional-grade hardware (GPU that supports quad-buffered stereo and 3D monitor).
Hardware stereo display mode in Metashape is supported is only for systems (graphics cards) that support the Quad Buffered Stereo technology.
- General tab
- Navigation tab
- Stereo pair selection
- Navigation on the stereo pair
- Measurements and vectorization
To use the stereo mode display in the Model view, the parameters of Stereoscopic Display Mode for the current hardware need to be adjusted in the General tab of Metashape Preferences dialog available from the Tools menu (Tools > Preferences...). Metashape supports Anaglyph, Hardware, Vertical Split and Horizontal Split stereo modes.
General tab
The parameters of the 3D controller can be adjusted in the Navigation preferences tab. (You can find a description of how to configure Stealth3DMouse in our tutorial - Stealth3DMouse controller).
Navigation tab
Before you start viewing a stereo pair, you should first perform the camera alignment using Align photos command from the Workflow menu or by importing the cameras, if the exterior and interior orientation parameters have been obtained from some different source. You can find a more detailed description of the processing in our Solution or User manual.
Stereo pair selection
Stereo pair selection is available only in Metashape Professional edition.
1. After the desired stereo mode has been selected in the General preferences tab, switch to the stereo mode via Model Menu > View Mode > Stereo Mode. A 3D cursor will appear in Model View. By default, the yellow-colored cross will be displayed, but the customization of the cursor color and shape is available from the Model section of the Appearance preferences tab.
2. Click the Show Images button on the Toolbar.
3. Select 2 images (stereo pair) on the Photos pane and choose Look Through command from the context menu.
The selected stereo pair is displayed in the Model view.
To make sure that the stereo pair doesn't change when the cursor is moved, click the Lock Images button on the Toolbar.
Navigation on the stereo pair
1. Navigate through overlaying stereo pair with the Right mouse button pressed or Mouse wheel pressed.
2. To control 3D cursor depth, navigate with the right mouse button and Shift key pressed. When using the 3D controller, depth change is performed with the help of a special wheel.
Measurements and vectorization
1. To measure distance click the Ruler toolbar button.
2. Place the 3D cursor on the first point and left-click.
3. Move the 3D cursor to the next point and left-click on it. The distance will be displayed in the Model view.
Draw point, polyline, and polygon
1. To draw point, click the Draw Point toolbar button, move the 3D cursor on the point (set the height of the 3D cursor to match the height of the point you need) and left-click.
In the Shape Properties dialog that appears, you can configure the name for the point and specify the necessary parameters.
2. To draw a polyline click the Draw Polyline toolbar button, left-click on the first point, then move the 3D cursor to the next point, and left-click on it. Perform a double left click to finish the polyline.
3. To draw a polygon click the Draw Polygon toolbar button, left-click on the first point, then move the 3D cursor to the next point, and left-click on it. Perform a double left click to finish the polygon.