New here? Take a look at the Quick start guide.
You will learn how to:
- Use ruler tool
- Create and edit vector layers
- Draw points and measure positions
- Draw polylines and measure length, horizontal length, slope and elevation difference.
- Draw polygons and measure area and perimeter
- Measure stockpile & trench volume
- Build elevation profile
- Upload vector layer
- Report measurements
- Rate the platform
- Next steps
Use ruler tool
Measure distance
Activate the Ruler tool by left-clicking on its icon in the top right corner of the user interface, then left-click in a 3D scene to start measurement, continue left-clicking in a 3D scene to measure a desired polyline. Right-click or press ESC to cancel measurement.
To deactivate the tool and stop measurements- left-click on the tool icon in the top right corner of the window.
Measure area
Activate the Ruler tool by left-clicking on its icon in the top right corner of the window, then left-click in a 3D scene to start measurement, continue left-clicking in a 3D scene to draw a desired area, click near the first drawn vertex to see the area value. Right-click or press ESC to cancel measurement.
To deactivate the tool and stop measurements- left-click on the tool icon in the top right corner of the window.
Create and edit vector layers
To prevent potential inconsistency between local and cloud project's versions shapes created in the project locally are not accessible in the cloud while the vector layers created in the cloud are not accessible locally because both objects are editable.
Create vector layer
To create a new vector layer left-click on the Add button in the Workspace pane on the left.
Edit vector layer
To select the layer left-click on its name in the Workspace pane on the left.
To change a vector layer name select it in the Workspace pane on the left, open Properties pane on the right and edit the name.
To change vector layer children geometries default color select it in the Workspace pane on the left, open Properties pane on the right and select the color. Note that when changing the vector layer color it will be applied to all children geometries.
To delete a vector layer select it in the Workspace pane on the left then left-click on the Delete button next to its label or press Delete key on the keyboard. Alternatively open the Properties pane on the right and left-click on the Delete button in the top right corner.
To undo vector layer deletion left-click on the Undo button appear on the bottom left side of the window.
Export vector layer
Geometries and its properties are saved in the vector layer, in case you need to use it in a third party application download the vector layer as .geojson file.
To download vector layer as .geojson file select it in the Workspace pane on the left, open Properties pane on the right and left-click on the Download button in the top right corner.
Draw points and measure positions
Draw point
To create a new point activate the Point tool by left-clicking on its icon in the top right corner of the window and then click on the point of your interest in a 3D scene. When Point tool is activated, it is available to draw new points. To deactivate the Point tool left-click on its icon in the top right corner of the user interface
Edit point geometry and appearance
To select the point left-click on its name in the Workspace pane on the left or left-click on it in a 3D scene.
To change a point name select it in the Workspace pane on the left or in a 3D scene, open Properties pane on the right and edit the name. Alternatively, double click on the point's name in the Workspace pane on the left and edit its name.
To change point color select it in the Workspace pane on the left or in a 3D scene, open Properties pane on the right and select the desired color.
To change point position select it and drag in a 3D scene.
To delete a point select it in the Workspace pane on the left or in a 3D scene and left-click on the Delete button or press Delete key on the keyboard. Alternatively select the point, open Properties pane on the right and left-click on the Delete button.
To undo point deletion left-click on the Undo button appear on the bottom left side of the window.
To create a new property click on the empty property Name filed in the Additional properties block of the Properties pane on the right and input the property name, click on the property Value filed next to the Name field and input the property value, to save the property press Enter key on the keyboard or click on the checkmark icon, next to property Value field.
To edit the existing property, select the property's Name or Value field and edit it, changes are being saved automatically.
To delete the property, left-click on the Delete button next to the property. To undo property deletion, left-click on the Undo button appear on the bottom left side of the window.
Measure position
A WGS84 (EPSG::4326) coordinates of current mouse cursor position are available in Coordinates pane on the bottom of the page.
In case you need to perform precise position measurement - activate the Point tool, draw the desired point and inspect its WGS84 (EPSG::4326) coordinates in the General properties block of a Properties pane on the right. Each time you change point position its coordinates are re-calculated.
Point coordinates are saved in its properties, in case you need to use them in a third party application you can copy them or download point as .geojson feature.
Export point
To copy point coordinates click on the Copy button on the top right corner of General properties block of the Properties pane on the right.
To download single point as .geojson file select it in the Workspace pane on the left or in a 3D scene, open Properties pane on the right and left-click on the Download button.
Draw polylines and measure length, horizontal length, slope and elevation difference.
Draw polyline
To create a new polyline activate the Polyline tool by left-clicking on its icon in the top right corner of the user interface, then left-click in a 3D scene to draw polyline. Right-click or press ESC to cancel drawing the polyline. Left-click on the last vertex of polyline to finish drawing .
When the Polyline tool is active it is available to draw new polyline immediately after finishing the previous.
To deactivate the tool and stop drawing - left-click on the tool icon in the top right corner of the window.
Edit polylines
To select the polyline left-click on its name in the Workspace pane on the left or left-click on it in a 3D scene.
To change a polyline name select it in the Workspace pane on the left or in a 3D scene, open Properties pane on the right and edit the name. Alternatively, double click on the polyline's name in the Workspace pane on the left and edit its name.
To change polyline color select it in the Workspace pane on the left or in a 3D scene, open Properties pane on the right and select the desired color.
To add new vertex click on the vertex with + icon in the middle of the polyline edge and drag it to desired position.
To change polyline vertex position select it in a 3D scene and drag to desired position.
To delete polyline vertex select it in a 3D scene and press Delete key on the keyboard.
To delete a polyline select it in the Workspace pane on the left or in a 3D scene and left-click on the Delete button or press Delete key on the keyboard. Alternatively select the polyline, open Properties pane on the right and left-click on the Delete button.
To undo polyline deletion left-click on the Undo button appear on the bottom left side of the window.
To create a new property click on the empty property Name filed in the Additional properties block of the Properties pane on the right and input the property name, click on the property Value filed next to the Name field and input the property value, to save the property press Enter key on the keyboard or click on the checkmark icon, next to property Value field.
To edit the existing property, select the property's Name or Value field and edit it, changes are being saved automatically.
To delete the property, left-click on the Delete button next to the property. To undo property deletion, left-click on the Undo button appear on the bottom left side of the window.
Measure length, horizontal length, slope and elevation difference
Each time you create a new polyline or change existing polyline vertices positions its properties are calculated.
Polyline properties:
- Length - a sum of polyline edges length in a 3D space.
- Horizontal length - a sum of polyline edges length projected onto the plane tangent to ellipsoid in a centroid of polyline vertices.
- Slope - a slope in percentage between the first vertex and the last vertex of polyline, calculated as an elevation difference between the first vertex and the last vertex of the polyline divided by the horizontal distance first vertex and the last vertex of the polyline, multiplied by 100. Wikipedia article for reference.
- Elevation difference - a difference between elevation of the start point and the end point of polyline.
In case you only need to perform measurements but not to save the polyline - activate the Polyline tool, draw the desired polyline, inspect measurement results in the General properties block of a Properties pane on the right, and then right-click or press ESC instead of finishing drawing - the temporary polyline will not be saved into the vector layer.
Export polyline
To copy polyline properties click on the Copy button on the top right corner of the General properties block of Properties pane on the right.
To download single polyline as .geojson file select it in the Workspace pane on the left, open Properties pane on the right and left-click on the Download button.
Draw polygons and measure area and perimeter
Draw polygon
To create a new polygon activate the Polygon tool by left-clicking on its icon in the top right corner of the window, then left-click in a 3D scene to draw polygon. Right-click or press ESC to cancel drawing the polygon. Left-click on the first vertex of polygon to finish drawing.
When the Polygon tool is active it is available to create draw new polygon immediately after finishing the previous.
To deactivate the Polygon tool - deactivate the tool by left-clicking on its icon in the top right corner of the window.
Edit polygon
To select the polygon left-click on its name in the Workspace pane on the left or left-click on it in a 3D scene.
To change a polygon name select it in the Workspace pane on the left or in a 3D scene, open Properties pane on the right and edit the name. Alternatively, double click on the polyline's name in the Workspace pane on the left and edit it's name.
To change polygon color select it in the Workspace pane on the left or in a 3D scene, open Properties pane on the right and select the desired color.
To add new vertex click on the vertex with + icon in the middle of the polygon edge and drag it to desired position in a 3D scene .
To change a polygon vertex position select it and drag to desired position in a 3D scene.
To delete polygon vertex select it in a 3D scene and press Delete key on the keyboard.
To delete a polygon select it and left-click on the Delete button next to polygon label in the Workspace pane or press Delete key on the keyboard. Alternatively select the polygon, open Properties pane on the right and left-click on the Delete button in the top right corner.
To undo polygon deletion left-click on the Undo button appear on the bottom left side in the user interface.
To download single polygon as .geojson file select it in the Workspace pane on the left or in a 3D scene , open Properties pane on the right and left-click on the Download button in the top right corner.
To create a new property click on the empty property Name filed in the Additional properties block of the Properties pane on the right and input the property name, click on the property Value filed next to the Name field and input the property value, to save the property press Enter key on the keyboard or click on the checkmark icon, next to property Value field.
To edit the existing property, select the property's Name or Value field and edit it, changes are being saved automatically.
To delete the property, left-click on the Delete button next to the property. To undo property deletion, left-click on the Undo button appear on the bottom left side of the window.
Measure area and perimeter
Each time you create a new polygon or change existing polygon vertices positions its properties are calculated.
Polygon properties:
- Area 2D - the area of polygon projected onto the plane tangent to ellipsoid in a centroid of polygon vertices. Most suitable to measure an area of a land plots.
- Area - the area of the polygon projected onto the plane best fitting the polygons vertices 3d positions. Most suitable to measure an area of oblique surfaces like walls and roofs.
- Perimeter 2D - a sum of polygon edges length projected onto the plane tangent to ellipsoid in a centroid of polygon vertices.
- Perimeter 3D - a sum of polygon edges length in a 3D space .
In case you only need to perform measurements but not to save the polygon - activate the Polygon tool, draw the desired polygon, inspect measurement results in the General properties block of a Properties pane on the right, and then right-click or press ESC instead of finishing drawing - the temporary polygon will not be saved into the vector layer.
Export polygon
To copy polygon properties click on the Copy button on the top right corner of the General properties block of Properties pane on the right.
To download single polygon as .geojson file select it in the Workspace pane on the left, open Properties pane on the right and left-click on the Download button.
Measure stockpile & trench volume
Please note that volume is calculated using only the elevation data of DEM while Tiled Models, Point Cloud and 3D Models elevation data is being ignored. If there is no local DEM under the polygon you use to measure the volume a global terrain data is used.
Understand the measurement algorithm
Volume tool allows to calculate a volume of the terrain surface bounded by the polygon.
When calculating a volume, three values are calculated:
Volume above the base plane. The value is calculated as the sum of volumes of truncated triangular prisms, defined by the terrain surface triangles located above the base plane and their projections onto the base plane.
Volume below the base plane. The value is calculated as the sum of volumes of truncated triangular prisms defined by the terrain surface triangles located below the base plane and their projections onto the base plane.
Total volume. The value is calculated as the difference between the volume above the base plane and volume below the base plane.
Measure volume
To measure stockpile or trench volume:
- Select existing polygon in the Workspace pane or in a 3D scene, or draw a new polygon bounding the stockpile or trench;
- Open Properties pane on the right and left click on the Add button next to the Volume block header;
- In the Volume widget select surface to caluclate the volume of and the base plane, in case of selecting Custom level as a base plane option, input the base level value:
- Click on the check mark on the bottom right corner of the Volume widget to start the calculation;
Volume measurement results are being saved in the polygon's properties and may be exported as .geojson for further usage and analysis in a third party GIS or CAD applications.
In case the polygon's geometry is changed, volume measurement results are reset and have to be recalculated in order to prevent misinterpretation.
Remeasure volume
To remeasure stockpile or trench volume with different parameters:
- Select polygon for which the volume has been calculated in the Workspace pane or in a 3D scene;
- Open Properties pane on the right and left click on the Edit button next to the Volume block header;
- In the Volume widget change the surface and / or the base plane, in case of selecting Custom level as a base plane option, input the base level value.
- Click on the check mark on the bottom right corner of the Volume widget to start the calculation.
Select proper surface
When selecting the Global terrain as surface to calculate volume, the volume of the currently visible terrain is calculated, so both global terrain and local digital terrain models intersecting the polygon are taken into account.
When selecting a particular digital terrain model as surface to calculate volume, the volume of this particular digital terrain model bounded by the polygon is calculated.
To make volume calculations easier to interpret, we recommend that you select a specific digital terrain model.
Select proper base plane
Five types of base planes for different cases are available for volume calculation:
Best fit plane - a plane best fitting the polygon's vertices, plane is not parallel to the local east north plane. Best for measuring the volumes of stockpiles and trenches on non-flat ground;
Mean level - a plane parallel to the local east north plane located on the altitude equal to the mean of polygon vertices altitudes. Best for measuring the volumes of stockpiles and trenches on the flat ground;
Max level - a plane parallel to the local east north plane located on the altitude equal to the maximum of polygon vertices altitudes. Best for measuring volumes of trenches on the flat ground up against a walls.
Min level - a plane parallel to the local east north plane located on the altitude equal to the minimum of polygon vertices altitudes. Best for measuring volumes of stockpiles on the flat ground up against a walls.
Custom level - a plane parallel to the local east north plane located on the altitude defined by user. Best for measuring volumes of stockpiles and trenches on flat ground when design level is known.
Build elevation profile
Build profile
Elevation profile tool allows to build a profile of one or more surfaces along the given polyline with a given precision. The tool can be used to analyze specific terrain models or changes of terrain over time.
To build elevation profile:
- Select existing polyline in the Workspace pane or in a 3D scene, or draw a new polyline;
- Open Properties pane on the right and left click on the Add button next to the Elevation Profile block header;
- In the Elevation Profile widget select one or more surfaces and input the profile step value to define the profile precision.
- Click on the check mark on the bottom right corner of the Elevation Profile widget to start the profile generation.
When working within a Site you can select surfaces from any project within the Site.
Generated profile is displayed in the polyline's properties pane on the right, in order to open large profile pane click on the Expand button next to the Elevation profile block header.
In case the polyline's geometry is changed, profile is reset and have to be rebuilt in order to prevent misinterpretation.
Elevation profile is not saved between sessions of working with the project / site.
Select proper surfaces
When selecting a particular digital terrain model as surface to build profile, the profile of this particular digital terrain model intersecting the polyline is built.
When selecting the Global terrain as surface to build profile, the profile of the currently visible terrain is built, so both global terrain and local digital terrain models intersecting the polyline are taken into account.
To make the profile easier to interpret, we recommend that you select a specific digital terrain model / models.
Rebuild profile
To rebuild elevation profile:
- Select polyline for which the profile has been generated in the Workspace pane or in a 3D scene;
- Open Properties pane on the right and left click on the Edit button next to the Elevation Profile block header;
- In the Elevation Profile widget change the new profile step value.
- Click on the check mark on the bottom right corner of the Elevation Profile widget to start the profile regeneration.
Export profile
To export profile data:
- Select polyline for which the profile has been generated in the Workspace pane or in a 3D scene;
- Open Properties pane on the right and left click on Export button.
Elevation profile data is exported as .csv file formatted as:
Latitude (deg) | Longitude (deg) | Altitude (meters) | Distance (meters) |
Report measurements
Measurements report can be generated for any vector layer in the project and it contains detailed information about every geometry in a layer, including its color, name and measured properties. For every geometry type a summary information on geometries quantity, and their measured properties sum or mean value is presented in the report.
To generate a measurements report:
- Select a vector layer in the Workspace pane on the left
- Click in the Measurements report button in the Properties pane on the right
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Next steps
- "How to process a project on the cloud"
- "How to manage you projects"
- "How to share your data"
- "How to present your project"