Confidence value can be used to perform additional filtering of low confidence points. For every point in a point cloud the number of contributing combined depth maps is recorded and stored as a confidence value. Confidence is calculated only at the stage of building a point cloud, to save the value you need to enable Calculate point confidence in the Build Point Cloud dialog window (select Workflow > Build Point Cloud...) when starting the procedure:
To view confidence select Point Cloud Confidence command on the Toolbar:
The color shows how many combined depth maps were used to create each point of a point cloud.
All confidence values above 100 will be displayed in blue color.
Filtering by Confidence
Use Tools > Point Cloud > Filter by Confidence... command to access the dialog box where the minimum and maximum values for the confidence range can be set:
The filtering results will be displayed in the Model view:
Basically, the Filter by Confidence (like other "filter by" commands) operation only hides the points in the Model view thus providing for more convenient navigation, display, and editing. The points can be removed manually should it be necessary, the feature does not remove the points automatically.
To remove low confidence points select point cloud in the Model view, using Select tools on the toolbar:
And delete points:
When the low confidence points are removed use Reset Filter command from the Tools > Point Cloud menu to see the mode (Tools > Point Cloud > Reset Filte):
Our kind thanks to Adolfo Bartolome Ibanez Vila Baukunst Arquitetura e Virtualização LTDA for sharing the dataset.