Agisoft Viewer supports the following input data formats: 

  • 3D Formats: *.3ds, *.abc, *.dae, *.fbx, *.json, *.obj, *.oc3, *.slpk, *.tls, *.u3d, *.zip;
  • Raster Formats: *.gpkg, *.kml, *.kmz, *.mbtiles, *.tif, *.xml, *.zip;
  • Vector Formats: *.dxf, *.geojson, *.gpkg, *.kml, *.kmz, *.shp, *.txt.

After processing the data in the Agisoft Viewer you can save the project in Viewer Project (*.vpz) and Viewer 1.6 Project (*.3dv) formats. 

To visualize data in Agisoft Viewer first select Add Layer command from the File menu. In the dialog window set the path to the input data file and click OK button. The selected data will be displayed in the Viewer workspace and also on the Layers pane, as shown on the picture below.

Agisoft Viewer is capable of raster data (Orthomosaic or DEM) display only if they are georeferenced in the coordinate system convertible to WGS84 and only when Show Base Map option is enabled.

To enable/disable layers you need to enable/disable checkboxes on the Layers pane. The layer lowest in the list will be displayed on top of all other layers as demonstrated on the animation below.