The platform is currently experiencing a temporary issue with its payment processing system, preventing new purchases, subscription upgrades, and processing time packages. To mitigate the impact on users, all active subscriptions are being extended for free until the issue is resolved. The team is actively working on a solution and will provide updates to users as soon as the issue is fixed. For assistance, users can contact support at

You will learn how to handle:

Cloud processing is only compatible with Metashape Professional edition starting from version 1.8.5.

Processing errors

Computation device is unstable

This issue happen in rare cases and is caused by the GPU driver instability.

Currently to workaround this issue it is required to restart the processing manually. When you restart the processing a new compute node with a stable GPU is allocated for the processing and the chance that the error will happen again is very low.

Synchronization error (can't download processed project)

In exceptional cases project may be corrupted while downloading from the cloud due to a network or other unexpected error. In this cases after synchronization procedure is finished, project may not open with errors like: 

Can't open file: the system cannot find the file specified....

To get the processed project from the cloud in such case, please try to download project copy from the cloud.  To download project from the Cloud, select Download Project...  option from Cloud submenu of File menu, select a project and click OK button, select a path to save the project and set the new name for it, downloading procedure will be started.

Project is locked for changes

Publication is in progress

When the cloud version of the project is in the publication process and the project is locked for changes  to avoid possible inconsistency or project files corruption. Please cancel publication, wait until publication completion and try to run processing operation again.

Project processing cancellation is in progress

When the user cancels project processing some time is needed to delete temporary files, ensure project consistency and save results of completed processing tasks. In this case it is not available to process in offline, schedule new processing of this project on the cloud or to publish the project.  

If you need to access the local copy of the project immediately, you can disable cloud processing option, so when opening the project, Metashape will not try to synchronize it with the cloud.  

To disable cloud processing:

  1. Start Metashape Professional
  2. Select Preferences option from the Tools menu

  3. In the Preferences pop-up open the Network tab

  4. In the Network tab opt-out the Enable cloud processing option.

Connection timed out

If there are "connection timed out" errors during the synchronization attempt, please check the firewall permissions. Cloud processing feature requires access to via HTTPS protocol (port 443) and to via port 8086

Unknown network error

If you use the Metashape version lower than 1.8.5 the issue is caused by a bug in software. Please update Metashape to the latest released version and try again.

In most cases this error is related to the Internet connection. Please open OS console and run the command bellow.

When the command is executed, please submit a support ticket and include the command output into the ticket description, support team will reach you as soon as possible and instruct how to solve the problem.

Error transferring  

In most cases this error may be faced when cloud processing start from the Metashape version below 1.6.5. Please update Metashape to the latest released version and try again. 

Empty extent 

Bounding box is misplaced during Build Tiled Model or Build Orthomosaic operation and doesn't contain any information or all the cameras for the related area are disabled. 

Open project in Metashape and make sure that Bounding box (region) contains tie points/dense cloud and cameras inside are enabled. Restart processing on the cloud.

Empty camera list

No cameras are pointing to the area of the Orthomosaic generation.

Open project in Metashape and make sure that Bounding box (region) contains tie points/dense cloud and cameras inside are enabled. Restart processing on the cloud.

Empty surface 

Bounding box is misplaced during Build Mesh operation and doesn't contain any information.

Open project in Metashape and make sure that Bounding box (region) contains tie points/dense cloud and cameras inside are enabled. Restart processing on the cloud.

Null dense point cloud 

Missing dense cloud for the operation based on it (like mesh generation or classification). 

In case of using batch script, create tasks in the proper order - make sure that requirements for each processing operation are fulfilled on previous processing step  and restart processing on the cloud.

Null chunk

Missing chunk to be processed.

May occur in case a batch of processing operations has been configured and sent to the cloud with the empty project.

Null model 

Missing mesh model for the operation based on it (like mesh decimation).

In case of using batch script, create tasks in the proper order - make sure that requirements for each processing operation are fulfilled on previous processing step  and restart processing on the cloud.

Null point cloud 

Missing sparse cloud for the operation based on it (like mesh generation).

In case of using batch script, create tasks in the proper order - make sure that requirements for each processing operation are fulfilled on previous processing step  and restart processing on the cloud.

Zero resolution

Bounding box is misplaced prior to the Build Dense Cloud operation and doesn't contain any information (almost no tie points are present in the bounding box and therefore no depth maps can be generated).

Open project in Metashape and make sure that Bounding box (region) contains tie points/dense cloud and cameras inside are enabled. Restart processing on the cloud.

Vertical datum missing

Currently it is only available to process projects with geoids that are presented on Agisoft website:

Remote Host Closed Error

In case of instable internet connection Remote Host Closed Error may occur, which leads to project download interruption. To prevent such error it is required to configure an increased number of connection retries.

Select Preferences option in Tools menu, in Advanced tab click on Tweaks... button, in the Tweaks pop-up add new parameter as follow:

Parameter: main/cloud/max_retries

Value: 8 (or larger value)

Publication errors

Clicking on Publication button leads to nothing

When the user cancels project processing some time is needed to delete temporary files and ensure project consistency. In this case it is not available to schedule new processing of this project on the cloud or to publish the project. Please wait several minutes and try again. In case the project stays locked for a long time, please submit a support ticket.

Non-georeferenced project

Currently publication of projects in the local coordinate system or in a coordinate system that is not transformable to WGS84 (EPSG::4326) is not supported.

Large 3D models

3D models larger than 100 Mb are not published because of potential performance issues in web browsers. This limitation is related to the fact that it will take quite a long time to transfer the data to the web-viewer and it may be hard to navigate such large models online. As a workaround a tiled model can be used or a low-poly model with the texture generated using Transfer Texture option (to transfer the texture from the original high-poly model).

Insufficient resources to complete publication

The error "Insufficient resources to complete publication"  indicates that the compute node allocated for publication of the dataset had no sufficient resources to complete tileset (a file copy in a web optimized format dedicated for web visualization) generation.

In most cases this problem occurs with point clouds stored OBJ files. Due to the way data is organized in OBJ files, reading the file requires a significant amount of RAM compared to.Cesium3DTiles , LAS, LAZ, E57, and other point cloud formats. 

In case the point cloud is a part of Metashape Pro project export it as a .Cesium3DTiles file and upload the resulting file to the Cloud. 

Otherwise convert the file to Cesium3DTiles , LAS, LAZ, E57 format  using Metashape Pro or some other software providing the required functionality and upload the resulting file to the cloud.

If the above does not fit your case please submit the support ticket and provide us the details about the file including its type, format and size.

Web-viewer issues

Project sharing pop-up is empty

In some rare cases project sharing pop up appears empty. It is mostly caused by browser extension. In order to avoid such behavior please disable web browser extensions when working with the platform.

Specific Safari issue

In case you use Safari web browser and face issues with displaying data in web-viewer, please update browser to the most recent version and clean the browser's cache.

Scene is not responsive, displayed black or crashes

While Tiled Models are highly optimized for the web visualization, regular 3D Models are not. Regular 3D Model along with its texture has to be loaded into video memory in full in order to render it.

Depending on the device that you use you can encounter a 3D model that is displayed solid black or even causes scene crash when you turn on its visibility. In most cases that happens because the maximum texture resolution supported by your device is smaller than the model has.

The best workaround for such an issue is to build a tiled model instead of a regular one and upload the updated project for web visualization purposes.

For the best performance on most device we recommend following parameters when building Models and Tiled Models with Metashape:

  1. Tiled Model block size: 512
  2. Model texture atlas resolution: not larger than 8192. (including 8192 x 1, 4096 x 2,  2048 x 4 ,