Metashape supports the reconstruction of dynamic scenes captured by a set of statically mounted synchronized cameras. For this purpose, multiple image frames captured at different time moments can be loaded for each camera location, forming a multi-frame chunk. In fact, normal chunks capturing a static scene are multi-frame chunks with only a single frame loaded. Navigation through the frame sequence is performed using Timeline pane. The tutorial below describes the main workflow processing steps and recommended parameters for 4D processing in Agisoft Metashape Professional

Multiframe layout is formed at the moment of adding photos to the chunk. It will reflect the data layout used to store image files. Therefore it is necessary to organize files on the disk appropriately in advance. The following data layouts can be used with Metashape: 

  1. All frames from the corresponding camera are contained in a separate subfolder. The number of subfolders is equal to the number of cameras. 
  2. Corresponding frames from all cameras are contained in a separate subfolder. The number of subfolders is equal to the number of frames. 
  3. All frames from the corresponding camera are contained in a separate multilayer image. The number of multilayer images is equal to the number of cameras. 
  4. Corresponding frames from all cameras are contained in a separate multilayer image. The number of multilayer images is equal to the number of frames. 

Once the data is properly organized, it can be loaded into Metashape to form a multi-frame chunk. The exact procedure will depend on whether the multi-folder layout (variants a and b) or multilayer (variants c and d) layout is used.

To create a chunk from multifolder layout

1.  Select Add Folder... command from the Workflow menu (Workflow > Add Folder...). 

2. In the Add Folder dialog box browse to the parent folder containing subfolders with images. Click the Select Folder button. 

3. In the Add Photos dialog select Dynamic scene (4D) data layout. 

4. Created multi-frame chunk will appear on the Workspace pane. 

* If your background is not uniform, as in our example, then we recommend creating masks. You can find a description of the workflow for creating masks in our articles from the section - Masking. 

Align Photos

1. Select Align Photos... command from the Workflow menu (Workflow > Align Photos...).

2. In the Align Photos dialog box select the desired alignment options. 

3. Click the OK button. The progress dialog box will appear displaying the current processing status. To cancel processing click the Cancel button. 

4. Alignment having been completed, computed camera positions, and a tie point cloud will be displayed. 

Build Model

1. Select Build Model... command from the Workflow menu (Workflow > Build Model...). Set the following recommended values for the parameters in the Build Model dialog: 

2. Click the OK button to start building geometry.

Build Texture

1. Select Build Texture... command from the Workflow menu (Workflow > Build Texture...). Set the following recommended values for the parameters in the Build Texture dialog: 

2. Click the OK button to start building texture.


To open Timeline pane, select Timeline command from the View menu (View > Timeline). 

The timeline pane is designed for:

  • Working with multi-frame chunks.

Buttons located on the pane toolbar allow:

  • Add/remove frames from a chunk;
  • Play/stop frame sequence;
  • Adjust frame rate through the Settings dialog.


1. To see the result, select the Play button on the Timeline pane. 

2. The animation will be displayed in the Model view.


To export the 3D model:

1. Select Export Model... command from the File menu (File > Export > Export Model...).

2. Browse the destination folder, choose the file type and print in the file name. Click the Save button. 

3. In the Export Model dialog specify export parameters applicable to the selected file type: 

You can select all frames to export or select specific ones in the Export Model dialog window. 

4. Click the OK button to start the export. 

5. The progress dialog box will appear displaying the current processing status. To cancel the processing click the Cancel button.

You can find an example of this 4D processing functionality being applied by Infinite Realities studio, see video below: